Intro to Physics in Unity
By default, Unity comes with a fairly robust physics engine. But in order for an object to be affected, it needs a Rigidbody attached.
Rigidbody allows an object to be affected by gravity and other forces enabled by scripting. The mass of an object affects how it interacts with other objects during a collision. An object with a higher mass will typically knock an object with lesser mass out of the way.
The drag of an object is how much outside forces such as wind, water, and terrain affect the object. A higher drag will increase the amount of resistance the object encounters when moving, and vice-versa.
The Gravity checkbox determines whether or not the simulated gravity will affect the object. If the “Is Kinematic” checkbox is active, that means that it will exert forces on other objects, but will not be affected by external forces.
Next, I will be discussing OnCollisionEnter Vs. OnTriggerEnter and when to use them.