How Long Should a Powerup Last?
Powerups are an integral part in a lot of games. They can give you a boost to overcome a challenge that would be difficult to take on otherwise. But how much is too much? If the powerup lasts too long, it can make a player overpowered and strip the fun out of the game.
On the flip side, if your powerup doesn't last long enough to make it feel impactful, it hasn’t done it’s job. You need to strike a happy middle ground where the powerup is impactful but not overpowered.
Generally, the impact the powerup generates should be inversely proportional to the time it lasts. Strong or frequently available powerups like the star in Super Mario will only last a few seconds. Less powerful and harder to get powerups should last a long while, or even be a permanent buff to the player like a heart container in Legend of Zelda.
In my space shooter, the triple shot powerup is currently spawning every 3–7 seconds, and lasts for 5 seconds. It does not have a huge impact on the player, but it is almost constantly available if played correctly.
Making sure you have a good balance of impact and uptime all comes down to playtesting. Find out what feels fun! There are few things as satisfying as running through a swath of enemies with the star powerup in Super Mario, but that joy would be diminished if you had that power all of the time.