#1. Version Control with Git
Before we can start talking about version control with Git, we first need to set up a Unity project that can be set up to utilize it!
Next we will need to got to GitHub and create a new repository for our project. First we need to give the repo a name and make sure it is set to public. We then need to make sure we add the .gitignore file to ignore the shared Unity assets.
Next, we will need to copy the link to the Git repo from the GitHub page
Once the Unity project and Git repo are set up, we will need to open Git Bash and move to the correct directory using the ‘cd’ command
We will then use the command “git remote add origin” followed by the URL of our git repository. This will link our project on the computer to the git repository we set up.
Stay tuned for Part 2! We will go over how Git actually works, now that everything is set up!